Abert’s Squirrel

Abert’s Squirrel

Abert’s squirrel, also known as the tassel-eared squirrel, is a tree-dwelling rodent species native to the southwestern United States, particularly found in ponderosa pine forests. Here are some key features and characteristics of Abert’s squirrel:



The aardwolf (Proteles cristata) is a small, insectivorous mammal native to eastern and southern Africa. Despite its name, which means “earth wolf” in Afrikaans, the aardwolf is not closely related to wolves. Instead, it is a member of the hyena family (Hyaenidae), though it is much smaller and has different habits compared to other hyena species. Here are some key […]



The aardvark is a unique mammal native to Africa, known for its distinct appearance and fascinating behaviors. Here are some key points about aardvarks: Overall, aardvarks are fascinating creatures with a unique ecological niche as specialized insectivores, playing a vital role in controlling insect populations in their habitats.